Myths and Facts
Many people believe certain things about The Albert Hall, many are true, but some aren’t! To help you learn what’s to believe, and what’s not, we’ve compiled some ‘Myths and Facts!’
Click on the boxes below to open each myth, and fact.
Myths and Facts
Fact: All members of the Albert Hall Management Committee are volunteers, and our officers give their time voluntarily to help run the theatre.
Fact: The Albert Hall receives no regular or yearly grant funds, and instead raises money through hiring out the hall, fundraising events throughout the year, and our generous Ah Friends! If you'd like to donate to us, please visit thealberthall.co.uk/donate
Fact: Whilst Llandrindod Wells Theatre Company host their annual Pantomime, and Summer Season at the The Albert Hall, they are only hirers of the hall. The running, and upkeep of the theatre, is purely down to a completely separate group, The Albert Hall Management Committee.
FACT: You, the people of Llandrindod, own the Albert Hall, it is a community-run building and the deeds are held by the Charity Commission.
Fact: The Hall is owned by the people of Llandrindod – it is open to anyone for hire, subject to conditions of hire. Different charges apply to local organisations and outside profit making companies who book the facilities. Please see our Booking page for more information.
Fact: The Albert Hall is a charity with extremely low funds. We only make a small amount of income from hiring out the hall, to events such as the YFC Drama Competition, Summer Season, and Pantomime. YFC, and LWTC make the profit off these shows.
Fact: Whilst the Hall is predominately a theatre, it's a community space. Anyone can hire it for their own performance or show, eg: concerts, eisteddfods, film shows, ceremonies, conferences (theatre-style), and meetings. We also have the lesser hall which is available for smaller functions and events. For more information, about our facilities, visit Our Spaces page, and for information on how to book, please see our Booking page.
Fact: The Albert Hall ALWAYS needs your support! We are always on the lookout for volunteers, to help keep the doors to our old building open! If you'd like to volunteer, please contact us.
How you can support us?
You can support The Albert Hall in many ways, such as: