The Albert Hall Accessible Cinema
“A Cinema for Everyone!”
Watch this space for future cinema updates!
The Albert Hall has launched an Accessible Community Cinema.
The cinema welcomes everyone, and is a relaxing environment, suitable for those with Dementia, and Autism.
It’s also affordable, to ensure its accessible to all, especially given the cost of living crisis.

We create a relaxing, friendly and affordable environment, by having:
- Medium level lighting
- Quieter sound
- Low cost tickets
- Relaxed environment
As a community venue, The Albert Hall wants to bring together our community, and provide a facility that is not currently offered within the area.
Upcoming Relaxed Screenings
There are currently no upcoming screenings.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is ‘Ah Accessible Cinema’ accessible?
Our cinema is be open to all, but is also be suitable for those with Dementia, and Autism. By leaving the lights on at a medium level, and keeping the sound down lower, this creates a relaxing, warm, and friendly environment.
We recognise the current financial strain on our community, and with rising poverty levels, cinema is becoming a luxury, rather than a regular treat. We want to change this, and so, our costs are kept to a minimum, just enough to keep the equipment running, and cover the cost of the film licences. We are also hoping to offer some ‘pay what you can’ films. This is when we do not have a set ticket price, but a sliding scale for what you can afford.
Is it just for those with Autism or Dementia?
No! Everyone is welcome to attend, as we want to bring our community together. Although we provide a suitable environment for Autism, and Dementia, our cinema experience will be relaxing, affordable, and friendly for all.

What about other Local Cinemas?
One of the big concerns people have had when we have discussed this project is how we will impact on other cinemas in the area. The Albert Hall’s ‘Ah’ Accessible Cinema does not always show the most recent blockbusters. We show a variety of films, from family favourites to classics, as well as a variety of festive films for the Christmas season.
We also aim for a different market. We are all about supporting the community, and bringing people together, rather than making a large profit. As a volunteer run venue, and charity, we don’t have big overheads, and so we only need to cover a small amount of costs.
How much are tickets?
We aim to keep our ticket prices as cheap as possible, to ensure we can be accessed by all. So far, the most expensive ticket has been £2.00.
We also want to offer ‘pay what you can’ films, which means you can pay what you can afford. This is another way to help with the current financial strain.
Can I get involved with this project?
Yes! As The Albert Hall is a volunteer run venue, we are always looking for new faces to join our team. If you’d like to get involved, please contact hello@accessible-cinema.co.uk or call 0300 102 4255 (option 4) if you are interested in becoming involved with The Albert Hall, and ‘Ah Accessible Cinema’.

With thanks to The National Lottery Community Fund for initially supporting us to get this project off the ground.